Mlsné medvědí příběhy


Label format: Download
Released: 2021
Released by label: Bionaut



01. Žárovka 00:26
02. Mňamózní svačinka [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 01:35
03. Pozdrav od strýčka [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 01:30
04. Jelení troubení [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 01:51
05. Mycí služba [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 02:14
06. Pomoc, zloději [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 01:27
07. Brumbrum Miška [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 01:58
08. To počká [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 01:27
09. Nečekaná návštěva [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 02:04
10. Švestkové hody [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 01:44
11. Mistrovské dílo [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 01:53
12. Narozeniny [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 01:43
13. Medvědí sraz [song, contains dialogue or sound effects] 02:21
14. Koloběžka 02:06
15. Jing Mid 03:14
16. Bubli 00:59
17. Bubuj 01:26
18. Budliba 01:24
19. Jum 01:29
20. Pták 01:30
21. Boudis 02:15
22. Jouda 02:13
23. Nastrom 00:30
24. Olympiáda 01:54
25. Rubber 01:09
26. Pepa 01:26
27. Nakoních 02:02
28. Drevi 01:39
29. Jing Fast 01:25
30. Fran 02:28
31. Jouda 02:21
32. Pakora 01:02
33. Rim 01:58
34. Narozeniny smutná 00:33
35. Breke French Touch 02:08
36. Anička 01:29
Total time of CD 01:00:53

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2011-07-07 - Introducing the new OSTLIB

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2011-04-01 - New version of site under work

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