Shop on Main Street


Label format: LP
Released: 1966
Released by label: Mainstream
Label number: S-6082

Total 1 rating(s): 4/5



01. Main Theme 02:35
02. Uncertainities 01:17
03. The Lofty View 00:31
04. Revelry 01:44
05. Slovakia, 1942 01:29
06. Freilich 02:55
07. Wooden Monument [song, not original score] 05:09
08. Tono's Dog 02:09
09. Tono's Dilemma 00:57
10. Tono's Dilemma II 00:44
Track is not listed on LP
11. The Realization 02:12
12. Dead End 00:28
13. Exile 02:04
14. Echoes of the Past 01:07
15. Sabbath Day 01:54
16. Buttons and Tears 00:35
17. Moment of Terror 01:53
18. The Dream Promenade 02:57
19. The Village Square - Main Theme 03:10
Total time of CD 00:35:50
Total time of original score and songs 00:30:41

Ratings and comments

Ondřej Zicha 4/5

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